A GARDEN SUPPER TONIGHT![]() This wonderful book is packed from cover to cover with amazing, simple and delicious recipes. "A year of farm fresh recipes from a vintage kitchen". Author Barbary Swell gives you a month by month guide for using fresh, in season veg. and enough variations that you will never become bored. It also contains lots of tips for anyone who enjoys cooking. Recipes for bread making, cookies, campfire baking and much more!. Printed in a style similar to an almanac with just as much information. This is one cook book you will turn to again and again. #B-105 $12.95 BUY NOW! AUNT BARB'S BREAD BOOK![]() Yesterday's breads for todays kitchens. Some of the old fashioned bread included in this book; Rustic farm house bread, Whole grain gems, Wild yeast bread, Caramelized onion bailys, Overnight no knead bread, Cinnamon butter Monkey bread, Honey cornmeal bread, Popovers, Orange currant rye bread and many more. Also included; History of the 19th century Americn bread. Turning your oven into and old time hearth. How to buy and care for antique iron pots. Bread baking in cast iron pots. Campfire and fireplace cooking just to name a few. A very enjoyable little book. DUTCH OVEN COOKING![]() Dutch Oven cooking is a handy little guide that's bound to be a hit on any camping trip. It shows you how to practice the delicious art of Dutch oven cooking and it's packed with lots of simple recipes for simply great eating. Recipes, tips, hints and instructions to take the mystery out of your next campfire meal. FOURTH EDITION, OVER 35O,OOO COPIES SOLD! #B-104 $8.95 BUY NOW! ![]() LOG CABIN COOKINGYou will also find recipes for; Sour dough bread, Portable soup, apples and buttons, Dandelion salad, Leather britches, blackberry pie, Fairy cookies, Poor man's pudding and many many more. #B-106 $7.95 BUY NOW! ![]() MAMA'S IN THE KITCHEN#B-109 $7.95 BUY NOW! THE LOST ART OF PIE MAKING![]() If I could only own one book on making pies - this would be the one. Tons of great recipes, easy to follow instruction. Fun to read and well illustrated. What more could you want? Double sour cherry amaretto, Rasberries in ambush, Dutch oven apple cherry, Aunt Martha's coconut cream,Rum bittersweet chocolate just to name a few. #B-108 $7.95 BUY NOW! ![]() ![]() ![]() MISS LESLIE'S DIRECTIONS FOR COOKERY. An unabridged reprint of the 1851 classic. Over 500 pages of recipes! The most clear, easy to read and understand of all the mid 19th century cook books. Not just a cook book, no, no no. Between the covers of this book you will also find recipies for salves and ointments, perfumes etc. How to carve fowl and which cut of meat is best. There is simply too much to list here. This book must be read to be appreciated. THE VIRGINIA HOUSEWIFE or THE METHODICAL COOK by MARY RANDOLPH. Originally published in 1824. A very popular cookbook, not just of it's day but Mrs. Randolph recieved praise from every corner for years after it's publication. Easy to read and just well written. Covers a wide variety of goods, meats, breads, puddings and more. A nice section on pickles too. THE ART OF COOKERY MADE PLAIN AND EASY. The 1805 printing. It always "sets me back" a bit when someone uses the phrase, "the art of" in a title. I immediatly expect that someone else is going to take their turn at trying to make me feel stupid. Big words, long phrases with lots of flowers and glitter and each including references to the author and their many degrees and accomplishments. Well color me surprised, this was not the case here. I guess there is good reason this book is still in print. This book was found in George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's kitchen. Ben Franklin even translated some of the recipes into French hoping to get a taste of home cooking while posted in Paris as a diplomat (from an earlier printing of course). I guess you really can't judge a book by it's cover. # B-2980 $18.95 BUY NOW! THE VIRGINIA HOUSEWIFE # B-2981 $9.95 BUY NOW! THE ART OF COOKERY # B-2982 $11.95 BUY NOW! ![]() ![]() THE FIRST AMERICAN COOKBOOK. A facsimile of "American Cookery" 1796 by Amelia Simmons. A small but informative little book that is well worth the price of admission. It will take some decoding on your part but that's half the fun. EARLY AMERICAN COOKERY or THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPER 1841 by Josepah Hale. Now where have we heard that name before? This is a wonderful little cookbook written by one of the most influential yet little know women of the period, before, during and after the Civil War. Here's a hint for you, think fashion. # B-2983 $5.95 BUY NOW! EARLY AMERICAN COOKERY # B-2984 $7.95 BUY NOW! THE YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER'S FRIEND![]() This is one of my favorite period advice & cook books. Originally printed in 1859, written by Mrs. Cornelius. It was and is very popular. It's been 30 years since anyone reproduced this one. Every now and then I find a copy to resell and they always go quickly. So after some consideration I drug out one of my old original copies and had 500 hard back copies of them printed. I think you will be very happy with the results. #B-2452 $9.95 BUY NOW! 1839 THE KENTUCKY HOUSEWIFE![]() If you've read my ranting's before you are probably aware of my love of cookbooks. If not then let me explain. Cookbooks are a great source of knowledge, not just for cooking but for the life and times in which they were written. Often times containing tips on economy such as which cut of beef is just a appropriate as another more expensive cut or when to get the best price on a particular fruit, etc. etc. There are often many recipes for home remedies as doctors were considered the last resort by most rural folk. They often contain all types of drinks, teas, weights, measures and which ingredients were readily available which is often very surprising. Best of all, much of this information is still relevant today. The Kentucky Housewife has been one of my favorites for years. I have an fragile original but thankfully it was reproduced way back in the 1980's. I use that copy for research but it's been out of print for years and is sometimes hard to find. Luckily for you it has now be reprinted in soft cover which makes them available and inexpensive! Here's what the publisher has to say. Originally published in 1839 this classic of Southern cooking includes more than 1300 recipes, all cooked and seasoned for a hot climate. Soups, meat, game, fish, catchup's, fruit sauces, flavored vinegars, pickles, vegetables, puddings, pastries, cakes, breads, sweetmeats, liquors and household remedies were all included in this important regional cookbook. It was aimed at those who were interested in home economy, whit easy to follow recipes for those with little or no experience in the kitchen. The foods and recipes are derived from American Indian, European and African sources and reflect a merging of he three distinct cultures in the American South. #B-2355 $19.95 BUY NOW! THE AMERICAN FRUGAL HOUSE WIFE![]() Mrs. Child was not the first woman to be published in the states but she certainly was the most published of her day. In an age where women were supposed to keep their opinion to themselves Mrs. Child shares hers with the country and to good effect! Her advice is as sound today as it was 167 years ago. This book should be taught in grade school. It covers almost everything related to managing a household. How to choose the best for the least and make it last the longest. Full of home remedies for aches and pains fever and flu. Hundreds of recipes for jams, jellies, cakes, all types of meat and bread and just plain good advice. ITEM #B-358 $14.95 BUY NOW! AMERICAN COOKERY 1796![]() American Cookery by Amelia Simmons. The first cook book printed in the United States. First printed in 1796. The art of dressing viands, fish, poultry and vegetables. The best mode of making puff-pastes, pies, tarts, puddings, custards and preserves, and all kinds of cakes, from the imperial plumb to the plain cake. By Amelia Simmons, an American orphan. Short title don't you think? This book was reprinted until 1815. This is a super little cook book with a great intro by Karen Hess. ITEM #B-693 $9.95 BUY NOW! ![]() Click here to see MILITARY FIELD MANUALS & BOOKSon page NINEClick here to refer back to catalog INDEX page. ![]() www.blockaderunner.com Phone: 931-389-6294 Fax: 931-389-0486